Planning in Disruptive Change
“We want desperately to take the uncertainty out of the future. But when we take the uncertainty out, it is no longer the future. It is the present projected forward.”
–Peter Block from
Community: The Structure of Belonging
By Abby…

Navigating Chaos and Uncertainty of the COVID-19 Pandemic
By Kenneth Williams, Ph.D. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt our lives. Many are away from their physical workplace and are teleworking. Schools ranging from preschool to higher education are delayed, implementing safety measures,…

Own Your Story, Own Your Day
By Abby Straus A client once told me how stressed out she was by watching the news. “What’s preventing you from turning it off?” I asked. To which she replied, “I have to stay informed!” This began a conversation about whose script…

Where We Go From Here: Local Economies
Featured in this month's Northeast Economic Development Association's WIRE newsletter was our own Abby Straus and Michael H. Shuman, leading economist and author on community economics. NEDA highlighted M&B's first podcast interview in the…

A Mindful Practice for Social Distancing
By Abby Straus
If you’ve spent any time with the M&B team, you’ll know how enthusiastic we are about mindfulness practice. Focusing our attention with skill allows us to get more done, minimizes stress, improves performance, supports…

OK, Everybody, Rise and Shine!
It reads like a scene from a movie you don’t want your children to see: Global pandemic. Racial killing in cold blood. In public. By an officer of the peace. Followed by riots. Followed by… But wait, this isn’t a movie, and there’s no…

Why SWOT When You Can KAIR?
As we discussed here on May 5, the consensus seems to be that there’s no “going back to normal” after the COVID19 disruption. The ways we work and live will inevitably be changed. The question is how, and what role each of us—and all…

“Weaving” Together for Big Change
On April 30th, author and New York Times columnist David Brooks wrote about “weavers” and “rippers”: those who actively seek to find the ties that bind us together through good and bad times, and those who look for—and enlarge—divisions…

To Our Library Colleagues
The world as we knew it has changed. We are navigating an unprecedented global health crisis. We are also navigating fear, fatigue and disruption. Fear can run amok in the midst of chaos. We ask you to pause for a minute. Stop! Breathe! Inhale! Exhale! You have weathered the storm so far. Sometimes you felt overwhelmed, but you are still here. And you are thriving in the midst of enormous uncertainty.

WFH Essentials During a Crisis
Amidst the current COVID-19 global pandemic, workers from across sectors and industries are finding themselves telecommuting from their homes. While “working from home (WFH)” has been a rising trend among “knowledge workers” and self-employed…

Reminder: “Social Distancing does NOT mean social disconnection”
As many of us hunker down in virtual work environments to try to keep each other healthy, our long-time collaborators, David Emerald and Donna Zajonc at TED* (The Empowerment Dynamic), send us all a wonderful reminder:
… social distancing…

Gates’ Rule: Go Home So Others Will Too
All leaders, from the executive down to the team level, should view themselves as stewards of their organization’s most valuable resource: their people. As the person in the lead, others will be looking at how you set the tone and pace of…

Tips for Setting Boundaries Around Our Time and Attention
The challenge in today’s workplace is to be increasingly more efficient, effective, and above all creative in our work. To rise to this challenge, we must be able to focus our attention and devote our time to the tasks that matter most, whether…

Vibrant Communities: Reinventing an Economic Development Organization
This past winter, M&B principal and Northeast Economic Development Association (NEDA) board president, Abby Straus, appeared in the annual journal of the Kettering Foundation, Connections 2018: Experiments in Organizational Innovation. In…

Complex Adaptive Systems & the Myth of Control
This post, originally from January 2013, highlights one of the key frameworks in the M&B toolbox. We use the features of complex adaptive systems to create tools, methods, and frameworks that allow us to be more agile and realize greater…

“Cozby Library Reaching New Levels of Success”
M&B recently wrapped up worked on the COZBY LIBRARY AND COMMUNITY COMMONS, STRATEGIC PLAN 2017-2020 in Coppell, Texas. Check out this article, from the local Coppell Gazette, highlighting the new energy and excitement around the library! Cozby…

Carnegie 2.0: Re-inventing Communities
Just when some pundits were announcing the demise of the public library, and politicians are trying to defund them, libraries are undergoing a major revival as centers of community re-invention. You can call it Carnegie 2.0.
It is 88 years…

“Join in” Instead of “Buy in”
In our work in economic development and complex project management, we often encounter failed projects and programs, that came to grief due to community opposition to the proposals, and which we are sometimes asked to resuscitate. One of…

Missing: A Good Model of the System
Two hugely influential leaders in economic affairs, on opposite sides of the planet seem to be lacking a good model of the system to help us navigate more successfully to a brighter fiscal future. Nobel prize-winning economist, Paul Krugman,…

Good Governance and Democracy: Diverging
Democracy of the people, by the people, for the people seems to be failing us. Politicians elected to make decisions on our behalf seem to listen more to their political supporters than the experts. Climate change is a perfect example…

Turning Risks into Products and Services
Anyone looking for ideas for new products and services need look no further than the World Economic Forum, Global Risks Report. Each year a group of experts get together and work out which risks are the most threatening to our existence. Once…

Fair & Reasonable
As a visitor to the USA, I have often been puzzled at how US businesses both large and small are unable to see the folly of paying wages that are insufficient for people to support themselves and their families. Some Americans have to work…

Beyond Lean: Optimal ways to Eliminate Waste
What was originally known as the Toyota Production System (TPS) has evolved into a management philosophy and set of production practices that focuses on the use of resources to create value that a customer is willing to pay for. As Toyota…

Interaction & Intervention Innovation (i2)
Meet Interaction & Intervention Innovation (i2), a new type of process improvement, which has joined the ranks of proven innovation methods like product, service, business process and business model innovation. This one helps people experience…