Deliberate Team Formation
Organizations around the world will spend $US3,300 per hire (Forbes, 2013) on recruiting yet spend just a few hundred dollars, a small fraction, on the equally important task of setting up their teams for success.
Mostly the on-boarding process…

Democracy in Unusual Spaces
As the facilitators of community meetings that require the use of technology many of the rooms are too big, too small, too constrained or just plain weird. The venues are often a challenge. Maverick & Boutique use the Zing collaborative…

New Partners in Economic Development
There's a revolution underway in economic development across the USA. Inching its way out is the traditional real estate-focused approach to economic development and some of the $80 billion in tax breaks (NY Times, December 1, 2012) and other…

Conference Call, Anyone?
Just watch this!

Viva la Difference! How diversity makes us smarter
It can be challenging to interact with people whose perspectives and opinions differ from ours, but there are many benefits, including making us smarter. In this Washington Post entry, Gregory Rodriguez explains why this is so.

Everything is a Major Project
Once upon a time, we thought of major projects as space exploration, new warships, armored vehicles or fighter planes, and infrastructure investments in roads, electricity and telecommunications. Now we must add to that list just about everything…

The Big Bang of Social Innovation
What does it take to be a leader or entrepreneur in the social innovation field? To find the secret to such success, 200+ people came together at the bigBang! event in Cleveland, Ohio on October 28. The event was hosted by Cleveland Social…

Managing Complex Projects in Uncertain Times
The task is to harness the collective brainpower of the military and their suppliers on three continents to work out how to better manage complex projects in a more uncertain, ambigious and rapidly changing world and to publish the recommendations…

Good Morning StarShine!
It's a brand new day at the three StarShine Academies in Phoenix, Arizona and CEO Trish McCarty and Principal Jan Shoop are a long way from home. Back in Arizona, the children are all learning, the teachers are teaching and the sun is shining…

Goodbye "Cowboy Culture"
In the backwater we call local government, in what we used to call the 3Rs - "roads, rates and rubbish", change is happening, but not the kind of change we like.
All across America, for example, local governments are struggling to pay the bills,…

The Dawning of the Wisdom Age
What if the explosion in the economic activity and knowledge work we regard as the Knowledge Age (1980-2010) was almost over and a new economic imperative was suddenly upon us? The Wisdom Age (2010-)? The weak signals from the future…

A New/Old Kind of Connectedness
So much of what we do as organization leaders is the old command and control model. Decide the strategy and cascade the plan to every level. Some staff, customers and suppliers buy into such plans, but many do not. But what if it was possible…