This web page contains resources for TSFLP Workshop One.
Workshop Handout: This document contains all of the worksheets and breakout instructions for Workshop One. Download here.
Slides: Here are the slides (PDF) for each day of the workshop.
Worksheets: Below you will find worksheets for Workshop One, Day 1 in Word format, in case you would like to do them digitally.
Jamboard: Here’s the link to the practice Google Jamboard. Please try it out now. We will be using this tool for an exercise on day two.
Jamboard Team Links for the Rich Pictures exercise on Day Two:
Guided meditation: You may download the guided meditation we used in the Mindfulness session here (scroll to the bottom of the page to find the recording).
Other Resources from Class:
We will provide links to books, videos, and other resources after Workshop 1, so feel free to check back.
Video: The Power of a Positive No by William Ury
Day One: During the lunch break please watch the following:
- Three short videos on the 3 Vital Questions (3VQ) below (We have borrowed this video from another M&B course, so know you’re in the right place.)
- Please do the first exercise only.
Day Two: During the lunch break please watch the following:
- Video by Cliff Kayser on Polarity Thinking below
Please note that we’ve made the lunch break long enough to accommodate the videos, so please enjoy time away from your screen!