Welcome to your resource page for the Polarity Thinking workshop. Below you’ll find a video, worksheets and articles for your course prework, as well as other resources you may find useful as you develop your both/and Polarity Thinking practice. We will be adding more resources, so please check back after we meet.


  1. Turn Conflict Into High Performance with Polarity Thinking
  2. Acquisition as a Polarity: The Case for Both Rapid and Deliberate Acquisition

Worksheets and docs:

  1. Turn Conflict Into High Performance with Polarity Thinking Welcome and Pre-work 
  2. Polarity Map Worksheet FOR PREWORK
  3. About Polarities Handout FOR CLASS
  4. Polarity Map Worksheet FOR CLASS
  5. Polarity Assessment Worksheet (Resource for later)

Books referenced in the course:

  1. Polarity Management: Identifying and Managing Unsolvable Problems by Barry Johnson, PhD

Slides from the course: 

Click here to download slides from the class on November 16, 2023. Slides will be updated after each class offering.

Please watch the video below before our online session. Before you do, please download and print the worksheet Polarity Map Worksheet FOR PREWORK. You will need it for the “Acitivity AND Rest” exercise in the video. WE ARE ONLY ASKING YOU TO DO THE FIRST EXERCISE OF TWO, SO YOU WILL ONLY NEED THIS WORKSHEET.