Many (dare we say most?) strategic plans sit on the shelf.
This happens because the landscape has changed so much by the time they are complete that they are no longer relevant, or because the stakeholders who are affected by the plan have not been involved sufficiently in the process to “own” it and care about its implementation. Either scenario sees much effort and money wasted.
We help leadership teams collaborate with staff and stakeholders to imagine and craft a new and better future together, in a process we call “Strategic Doing”. We start by getting everyone “in the room”, in small groups of maximum diversity to collectively create a robust model of the current system. The trends, the stakeholder interests, your capacities and the system dynamics.
We ensure your community has access to the latest and best research and the forecasts of thought leaders relevant to your sector,. We invite the gathering to add their own observations and interpretations.
Equipped with the same information, everyone plays a part in the analysis, to keep what works well, abandon what gets in the way, reinvent what could be improved, invent what’s feels ready to emerge and transform everything when a new paradigm is coming down the pike.
All the stakeholders are invited to participate in task forces to design and implement complementary clusters of initiatives, that integrate their interests with your interests. From this melting pot of possibilities, your new goals, mission, vision and strategic measures are now crystal clear for all to see. The results of Strategic Doing: a strategic plan that gathers no dust.
Please contact us to learn how we might help you get the most from your next strategic plan.